6 Steps to Putting on a Better Fitting Finger Band-Aid

Regular band-aid finger wrap

Some of you may already know about this, but I wanted to share a cool band-aid hack. Others who don’t know the trick may ask, “what is the big deal?” The problem is that when you put a band-aid on a fingertip, the band-aid never seems to sit right on the finger. It often looks like a cone and gets in the way. So, how do you fix this problem? Well, I’m going to tell you! Here are 6 steps to putting on a better fitting band-aid on the finger:

1. Obtain appropriately sized band-aid for the finger involved (may be smaller for young children)

2. Take a scissors and make a cut lengthwise part of the way through each end of the band-aid (don’t cut the padding), creating 4 flaps (2 on each side)

Take a scissors and make a cut lengthwise part of the way through each end of the band-aid (don’t cut the padding), creating 4 flaps (2 on each side)

3. Remove the protective paper from the band-aid adhesive

4. Apply the padding onto the wound on the finger, as the central point for the wrapping

5. Take the 2 upper flaps of the band-aid and gently wrap the upper flaps of the bandaid with the shape of the finger

6. Take the 2 lower flaps of the band-aid and gently wrap the lower flaps of the bandaid with the shape of the finger

Cut band-aid finger wrap

Now, there you have it! You have a band-aid that is wrapped with the contour of the finger and fits better. While it is great with wounds on the fingertips, it also works nicely for wrapping finger joints as well.

If you have any other band-aid hacks, please feel free to share in the comment section!
